
Quarterly Investment Update September 2018

Capital for Colleagues, the investment vehicle focused on opportunities in the Employee Owned Business (‘EOB’) sector, is pleased to announce an investment update in respect of the quarter ended 31 August 2018.

Key Statistics for the Quarter:

  • Portfolio comprised of 17 unquoted EOBs at the end of the quarter (31 May 2018: 18)
  • Net Asset Value (‘NAV’) of GBP 6,816,878 (31 May 2018: GBP 6,438,680)
  • NAV per share increased by more than 5% to 44.15 pence (31 May 2018: 41.73 pence per share)

Material developments in the quarter:

Short-term loans of GBP 100,000 were provided to each of Computer Application Services Limited and Flow Control Company Limited; a short-term loan of GBP 110,000 was repaid by Hire and Supplies Limited.

The Company wrote off its GBP 133,654 investment in CSM Site Supplies Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ecomerchant Natural Building Materials Limited, after CSM Site Supplies Limited was placed into voluntary liquidation.

The Company’s holding of ‘A’ Ordinary Shares in Computer Application Services Limited has been revalued upwards to GBP 750,000 as at 31 August 2018, in light of strong operating performance and markedly improved prospects at the company.

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